Want to Better Engage Audiences? Diversify Your Content

Posted by: Patrick Kirchner 09/19/2019

We all know content is the linchpin of any successful marketing campaign. That’s why they say content is king.

When developed properly, content appeals to and attracts a specific audience, garnering enhanced customer engagement—the kind of engagement that isn’t nurtured by sales collateral and product

And to develop it properly, you need to start by meeting your target audience right where they are. That means presenting stories in creative and compelling ways, of course, but it also means giving as much thought to format as you do the narrative you’re telling.


Types of Content

Content can vary greatly in vertical, topic, medium, and format. Here’s a quick breakdown of the main formats used by most content creators:


Short-form content
  • Blog Posts: Short, owned pieces of content written in an informal or conversational style.
  • Listicles: A piece of content presented wholly or partly in the form of a list
  • Q&As: An Interview with an industry expert or influencer to weigh in on a relevant idea, project or product
  • Testimonials: Client- or customer-driven written recommendations of a product or service (can be in written, audio or video formats)


Long-form content
  • Feature Articles: Content focused on a specific product or project in detail—usually includes one or more subject matter experts.
  • Case Studies: A narrative that tells the story behind a product or project and/or solving a specific challenge.
  • White Papers: A formal authoritative report or guide that informs readers about a complex topic or informs them about solving problem or helps them make strategic decisions.
  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs): A CEU is a piece of educational content based on gaining professional credits that help professionals remain relevant in their craft and maintain proper accreditation in order to continue practicing in their field of expertise.


Visual content
  • Slideshows: A digital presentation on a topic of interest including a series of on-screen images and copy within in a prearranged sequence.
  • Infographics: Static or interactive graphics-based visual that break down complex or dense topics into easy-to-digest representations of information, data or knowledge.
  • Videos: Content that consists of a digital recording or display of moving visual media.


Content Strategy

Diversifying your content strategy isn’t just about attracting a varied audience with different forms of content. It’s also about ingratiating your brand to industry media vehicles that can amplify your message and—more importantly—influence purchasing and specification decisions.

Mixing up your content approach is a way to cover all your bases: It directly appeals to your targets and it also increases the likelihood of your brand getting covered by industry-related media sources. The trick is ensuring the type of content you produce aligns with the publications and media outlets in which you’re attempting to secure placement. These types of publications often look to fill their pages with existing content from manufacturers because it’s ready-made content meets their editorial style and appeals to their audiences (which are also often your brand’s audiences).

For example, we know that many architecture- and design-focused publications prefer content featuring splashy new ideas, innovative materials, and inspirational projects, while publications aimed at contractors and installers lean toward technical, data-driven, useful stories on topical industry items. Knowing the publications’ specs and standards can further help you tailor your content approach moving forward.

Whether you’re looking to support a product launch or offer advice from your in-house subject matter experts, the right content can certainly increase your target audience engagement.


Bolster your content efforts by establishing a compelling content strategy. Reach out to Kristen Jenkins: kjenkins@stonerbunting.com or fill out an inquiry for marketing content support.